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1)Belt Conveyor.
2)Chain Conveyor.

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The belt conveyor is basically an endless belt in a straight line, stretched between two drums, one driving the system & other acting as a return drum.
In coal mines and other mines of stratified deposits, where the underground mineral if won by long wall method, the transport media which often consists of conveyor.

The belt is an endless thick flat strip of woven cotton, rayon or nylon fabric laid up in piles, or layers & their surfaces and sides covered with rubber, plastic or P.V.C.
The belt having nylon fabric are strong as nylon offers very high resistance to longitudinal tearing and damage due to edge turn up.

Nylon also improves the resistance to impact damage and the belts are more flexible, light in weight, have better fastener-holding properties and are also design for use on deep troughing idlers.
Such belts are however costlier than the cotton-fabric belts.
Cotton carcass is more susceptible to moisture and it rots on account of fungus formation in the presence of moisture.
Belt covered by a layer P.V.C. instead of rubier are fireproof and only such P.V.C. coated belts have to be used in underground coal mines in accordance with the directions of the D.G.M.S.
The P.V.C. belt is resistant to grease and oil.
One disadvantage of P.V.C. coating is that it has a low co-efficient of friction rendering the belt unsuitable for steep gradients.
Normally a belt conveyor with rubber coating is capable of working on a limiting gradient of 1 in 5 without any braking arrangement with thrustor brake the limiting gradient is 1 in 3.
The maximum angle of inclination for conveying coal on plied P.V.C. belting is 16°.
The belt conveyor works on the straight roadways which may be level, inclined or partly level and partly inclined in patches.
The conveyor must be erected in correct alignment.
The belt speed varies from 45 m/min to 60 m/min is generally preferred.
The belt end are joined by hinged plate joints or wire hook joints, the latter being popular on account of their strength and are made more quickly than the hinged plate type.
The belt ends can also be vulcanized but vulcanization requires special electrically heated press and it also calls for special technique.
P.V.C. covered belts are joined by metal fasteners.
Belt widths very from 0.60 m for face conveyors to 1 m for trunk, conveyors in underground coal mines but surface installations may have belts as wide as 1.2 m or even more as at Neyveli lights mines. The maximum size is 1.5 m.

The carrying capacities of the belts are as follows for a troughed belt with a speed of 30m/min with uniform feed of coal.

Belt width                                                                                  Te/hr
650 mm ;           common as face or gate conveyor                  50
750                                     do                 do                                 70
1000 mm ;         common as trunk conveyor                           105

If the belt speed is 60 m/min the capacity is obviously double.
The capacity can thus be calculated. If the feed is not uniform, as very often happens, the capacity will usually 30 to 60% of the calculated value. Compared to a troughed belt, a flat belt has nearly 50% carrying capacity.
The maximum lump size carried by a belt conveyor is  limited to about half the belt width but large sizes like this cause spilling of the material.
The carrying capacity of troughed belt conveyor is given by T= abv
Where, T= the carrying capacity (in tonnes per sec)
             a= the average cross-sectional are of material (in m2)
             b= the bulk density (te/m3); this relates to density of broken material including sir spaces.
             v= speed of conveyor belt (in m/s)
For a belt of width w the value of the area varies approximately between w^2/10 and w^2/12

Depending on the nature of the material.
The belts manufactured in this country are from 3-ply construction to 8-ply construction but PVC belts are available only of 3 and 4 ply construction. 

Advantages of belt conveyor system

Continuous supply of material.
Low operating cost than road transportation system.
High rate and speed of supply.
Bunding can be done to get fair grade.
More efficiency and low cost.

Disadvantages of belt conveyor system
Cannot be used for long distances.
Required high one time capital.
Lumps should not be of big size.
Cannot be worked for high inclination.
Place should be dry enough and air velocity should not be high.

It is mostly used in longwall face.
The capacity of commonly used scraper chain conveyor is 30 to 40 tph on a level roadway, nearly 50m long and the drive motor is of 12-15 KW.
The main application of scraper chain conveyors in underground is transportation at the face and adjoining short workings, where they are ready to withstand mining condition.
They are also used to haul the coal along gate roads over short distances before it is feed to gate belt conveyor.
They are also used for transporting on inclines having an angle of inclination exceeding 180 where belt conveyors are not used.
They are also used on the surface for conveying coal from shaft to bunker as well as in screening and washing plants.

Trough : these are stationary things usually 2m long, and consisting of detachable section bolted together or joined by hooks.
Flights : an endless chain with flights moving in the troughs, which are nearly 450mm wide at top and 300 mm at bottom.
Chain(endless) : the chain of endless character is installed there. The chain consists of links and after 3-4 links a flight is provided so, that the flights are 2-2.5m apart.
Tension head : the return or, tail end of the conveyor with its totally enclosed sprocket drum,         is provided with telescopic trough by which the tension of the chain can be adjusted through Sylvester chain.
Drive : for enabling movement a power arrangement with driving arrangement.
Angle iron frame : to support the troughs.

Types :
1)On the basis of flexibility.
Rigid chain conveyor.
Flexible/ armored chain conveyor.

2)On the basis of number of chains used.
Single chain conveyor.
Double centered chain conveyor.
Double outboard chain conveyor.
Triple chain conveyor.

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