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An aerial rope way is an installation in which transportation of material or men is effected by moving carries pulled by ropes suspended above the ground.

One the basis of number of ropes & the mode of transportation, the ropeways are classified as:

Mono-cable ropeway – the ropeway has a single running endless rope which both support & moves the carriers.

Bi-cable ropeway – the ropeway has two fixed track ropes along which the carriers are hauled by an endless traction rope.

Twin-cable ropeway – the ropeway has two pairs of track ropes to support the carriers & one endless traction rope.

Aerial rope way provides the only economic means of long distance transport over rough country, hilly & difficult terrain, even it can pass through the congested areas, marshy lands, nallhas, rivers, forests and important agricultural land.

Transporting and conveying bulk materials between two fixed points.

Aerial dumping of load at any point along the line of route.

Stocking of materials.

Dumping of waste materials.

Transporting of persons in mountainous regions.

A relatively high transport capacity (upto 500 t/hr).
Regularity of service & immunity to all weathers.
Ability to overcome nature obstructions (rivers, marshy ground etc).
Inherent ability to keep the ground free for other purposes.
Ability of negotiating steep gradient (70% & over).
Possibility of using automation.
Minimum time lost in transportation.
Low initial & operating cost and short time for return on capital.

Fixed location of loading station.
Susceptible to damage by string winds.
The length of the line and transport capacity is limited by economic and technical consideration.

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